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Generate and publish root certificates

In the DNS+CA system, you ask a Certificate Authority for a signed certificate, and you use this certificate to authenticate your server. In dappy there is no certificate authorities, you directly publish your self-signed certificates in the zone, as a CERT record.

The easy way

You can use directly @fabcotech/dappy-cli, it has bindings with openssl.

# Generate .key and .crt files for all hosts under
# a domain (dappy.config.json file)
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli generatecerts --domain mydomain.d
# Apply cert group1.crt for all hosts under a domain
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli apply --cert group1.crt --domain mydomain.d

# Bundled into one command
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli generatecerts --domain mydomain.d --apply

# Generate .key and .crt files for a set of hosts
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli generatecerts --hosts mydomain.d foo.mydomain.d
# Apply the cert group1.crt for each host in dappy.config.json
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli apply --cert group1.crt --hosts mydomain.d+foo.mydomain.d

# Bundled into one command
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli generatecerts --hosts mydomain.d+foo.mydomain.d --apply

💡 Note : You can create a single certificate for all hosts under a domain by using the --domain argument instead of listing all hosts with a + separator. Having less certificates will also simplify your configuration on the server side.

The less easy way

Below is the openssl command we use yo generate a self signed certificate. Change mydomain so that it fits your domain of course. We also provide the equivalent command in dappy-cli.

# with openssl
openssl req \
-x509 \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-sha256 \
-days 10000 \
-nodes \
-keyout mydomain.key \
-out mydomain.crt \
-outform PEM \
-subj '/CN=paul.gamma'\
-extensions san \
-config <( \
echo '[req]'; \
echo 'distinguished_name=req'; \
echo '[san]'; \
echo 'subjectAltName=DNS.1:paul.gamma')

You are free to choose for how many days your certificate is valid.

Softwares resolving dappy zones need to get the certificate as base64, therefore you now have to turn it into a base64 and add it to your zone. Be careful, your base64 should have no carriage return and be only one line.

# turn to base64 and remove carriage returns
base64 mydomain.crt > tmp.crt && tr -d '\n' < tmp.crt > mydomain.base64

Now we must add the CERT record to our config file and push again.

config: { ... },
zones: [{
"origin": "mydomain",
"ttl": 3600,
"records": [
"name": "@",
"type": "CERT",
"data": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRV..."

Checking and updating zones

npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli status
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli push
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli status
npx @fabcotech/dappy-cli tree

💡 Note : the tree command takes your local config, not the remote zone.

💡 Note : the certificate you have forged is a true root certificate not signed by any certificate authority (you are the CA), it will be retreived with co-resolution by libraries and browsers that handle .d domains, just like the IP addresses.

Update a zone